Wednesday, May 21, 2014

DIY Card Holder for Little One

Child concession card
Little One has reached the height of 0.9 metre some time ago. Although she is not 7 years old yet, we applied a child concession card for her. It is not necessary but she loves tapping our cards so much that we think maybe we should get her one for her own use. The application is free and can be done at any of the Transitlink Ticket Office. No topping up of value is required. However, in the event whereby the card is lost, a $10 administration fee is applicable. In order for her to travel around without fearing that she loses her card, I made her a card holder to sling around when she travels.
Completed Card holder
This is one mini recycling project. I used her old dress for the button. In fact, I made a few buttons using the covered button kit from Daiso since this dress is made from different patterned fabric. I tested each one of them against the felt fabric which I bought from (Drum roll, no prize for guessing correctly) Daiso again. You may want to use your old clothes for this project as well.
Materials used
1) Decide where you want the opening to be. Use the card as a guide to help you cut the felt. Wrap the felt around the card, enough to cover the card and some allowance for the button. The sides of the felt has to be slightly bigger than the card so that you can sew. Use a pencil to outline on the wrong side of the fabric the area you want to cut.

2) Sew a button at one end of of the fabric. (see below)
3) Use the same button as a guide to cut a slit at the opposite end. Start with a slit about the size of the button. If the button could go through the slit, you could start sewing blanket stitch around the buttonhole. Otherwise, cut the slit bigger if required till the button is able to go through it. 
4) Cut 2 small slits at the corner of the fabric as shown below. Blanket stitch the slits.
5) Attach a yarn or string to the fabric by inserting into the slits and tying a knot on the wrong side.

6) Fold the fabric into a card holder and apply blanket stitch all around the edges.

Tadah! She is now ready to travel all around Singapore with her card.

Sweet Day's Lifebook

This post is part of the "Care for the Earth" series

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  1. Nice work and great that you used recycled materials! =) I love Daiso too, haha! My girl has an EZ card but I always keep it with mine in my purse because I am worried she will lose it. This is a great idea and I should do a card holder for her soon, especially when she goes to Primary School next time! Thanks for linking up and for inspiring!

    1. Haha! I guess many Singaporeans love Daiso!


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