Sunday, August 26, 2012

A fun day at the zoo.

We are going to the Zoo, zoo, zoo. How about you, you ,you?

We have never been to the Singapore Zoological Gardens  together as a family. The first time she went to the zoo with her Daddy and my in laws. I was sick. The second time was a zoo excursion organised by the school which I ent along with her because my hubby couldn't take leave. So. we plan and decided to have a trip on National Day.

When we arrive, it was so , so ,so crowded! The queue was extremely long! However, we skip the long queue as there was another counter which accepts cash payment only. We were left cashless after paying for the tickets. Luckily, I have brought some peanut butter cups! Otherwise, we would likely be hungry, tired and cashless after the whole event!

So, is there any difference between going to the zoo on a normal weekend and a national day?
Not much difference I would say unless you want to show your children that elephants knows how to raise a Singapore flag (one of their performance). =) My kiddo wasn't that interested though.

Here are some of the photos! Enjoy!

Fishes feeding on the algae on the hippo

My girl eating her extremely large peanut butter cup

She's the happiest here

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